TTouch is a method used to help
animals through their problem - no matter what the cause. Inappropriate
behaviours diminish, health & condition improve and confidence grows.
Your animal starts to think about their actions. The technique is
based upon bodywork - moving the skin in light circles; groundwork -
simple obstacles to encourage co-ordination, and leading exercises (mainly
for dogs) all combining to form TTouch.
Whilst training to be a Feldenkrais
Practitioner around 30 years ago, Linda Tellington-Jones (a renowned
endurance rider in the United States) learnt how tension patterns affect
the ability to use the body with ease and how this affected the
functioning of the mind. Using gentle touch and movements, awareness is
brought to these patterns allowing the system to naturally search for new
ways of being.
Linda began to apply these principles to her horses and
saw extraordinary changes; drastically reduced recovery times, injury
reduction and increased performance.
Over time, Linda developed the
circular TTouches and started to teach others in seminars and then via the
Practitioner Training Programme. There are now practitioners worldwide,
including a strong (and growing) team here in the UK.
Mekuti and TTouch
Mekuti is run by Rachael Greenland who is a qualified TTouch P2 Companion Animal Practitioner.
Rachael has used her skills and knowledge over the years working with all breeds of dogs and cats to design and develop a number of products and techniques which use the principle of TTouch primarily the Mekuti Balance Harness which helps dogs stop pulling and encourages balanced walking that can help alleviate discomfort from and often improve conditions such as hip dysplasia by evening out muscle development particularly in young dogs.
Other Mekuti products congruent with TTouch include Mekuti Leg Wraps to help address walking and gait issues as well as helping with Agility Dogs; TTouch Body Wraps, T-Shirts and Jumpers which all help to reduce anxiety. Visit our Products Page for more information on these and other animal centred training and behaviour products.
To find your nearest
Practitioner in the UK, go to the links page or follow this link:
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Today, TTouch is being taught in USA, Canada, UK, Germany, South
Africa, Australia and Japan. |