Rachael’s post about Meg on Facebook recently:
Watching my beloved Meg get older (13 in November) is one of the tougher things I have to do. At the same point in my other animal’s lives I have established their ‘signal’ for when they are ready to leave and yesterday I asked her The Question.
Meg’s answer was simple; she just wants me there by her side.
Her mobility has been much improved since having McTimoney chiropractic but she’s clearly been bothered by something else. During our communication yesterday she went into a very deep sleep once she’d told me what was on her mind and has been much more her old self since.
What was bothering her? The thought of being left behind during holidays. She wants to come too.
The sense of relief for both of us is huge. Knowing the one you love is happy has more value than value itself.
I love you Meg. You are such a special being in my life; I hope we can make the most if the time we have, whether it’s long or short.
As a sort of bystander, watching Rach and Meg interact is pretty amazing on a number of levels.
For a start, I feel very privileged to have been ‘let in’ because their relationship is so obviously close and longstanding but mainly they do really communicate in a way I am not familiar with.
OK, I talk to Meg (everybody talks to their dog don’t they?) and occasionally I can sort of guess what’s she is willing or not so willing to do but Rachael clearly communicates with Meg, sometimes by herself and sometimes with the assistance of others. Her insights are … err … well, insightful! Not just like you may expect a dog to sometimes gives a different and surprising perspective of what is going on from 18 inches above the ground.
Sometimes I could say it is in a childlike way but that doesn’t demean the validity of her perception because by childlike I mean simple, uncomplicated and sometimes uncomfortably direct! You know, just like on the bus when your kid says, “Look at that fat woman’s funny hat!”
The other thing obvious about their relationship that has elevated me into my own higher level of thinking, is their honesty. Rachael’s post on her FB account shows exactly the sort of honesty I mean – it is open, truthful, necessary and above all else kind.
Her words created an interesting amount of thinking and contributions from some of her friends and even allowed some to also look at their animal relationships in a more open way, especially about, ‘The Question’.
Speaking honestly here … I not quite ready for that Question yet but I know I have people-people and doggy-people around me that will offer me help when I become more ready. At the moment I’m at the stage where I can take pictures that sometimes capture some precious moments, but I do find it difficult to look at them.
I have a lovely family.